Regan’s Pike Cichlid
Crenicichla regani

Lays eggs on the ceiling of caves
Regan’s pike cichlid exhibits a clear difference in colour between males and females, with females having the most brilliant colours. The fish is strongly territorial. The female and the male mate and reproduce in caves. The female lays the eggs on the ceiling of the cave, and has the main responsibility for caring for the fry once they hatch. But the male also helps in protecting the territory.
A wide variety of species
Regan’s pike cichlid inhabits freshwater rivers in the Amazon rainforest. It thrives best in flowing water, near the bottom. The species seeks out rocks and roots for a quick hiding place. Regan’s pike cichlid can withstand cooler water temperatures than most cichlids. Its body shape resembles that of a pike, and it has a clear red ring around its eye. The genus to which Regan’s pike cichlid belongs now includes about 85 different species, all of which are very similar to each other. There may even be other yet to be discovered.
Distribution worldwide
South America, Amazon River, Trombetas River.
White marking = Distribution

Threat based on the Red List

Trade regulations
CITES: Not listed.